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BOTANIZE x TIMEX Ironman® 8-Lap - only a few left
BOTANIZE x TIMEX Ironman® 8-Lap - only a few left
BOTANIZE x TIMEX Ironman® 8-Lap - only a few left
BOTANIZE x TIMEX Ironman® 8-Lap - only a few left
BOTANIZE x TIMEX Ironman® 8-Lap - only a few left
BOTANIZE x TIMEX Ironman® 8-Lap - only a few left
BOTANIZE x TIMEX Ironman® 8-Lap - only a few left
BOTANIZE x TIMEX Ironman® 8-Lap - only a few left

BOTANIZE x TIMEX Ironman® 8-Lap - only a few left

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[Only a few left] TIMEX and BOTANIZE unite for something special. | タイメックスとボタナイズが特別なウォッチを制作


Ken Yokomachi started his caudex specialty shop called BOTANIZE in 2016, it instantly became a GO TO shop among fashion, culture and naturally caudex fans. 

BOTANIZE is a Tokyo base shop which claims for Exotic Plants Lovers. Caudex or fat-bottomed plants is one of the hottest trends among plant collectors at the moment all over the world.


横町健さんはその立役者であり、タイメックス TVにもご出演いただいた日本での塊根植物の第1人者です。


Ken's enthusiasm go beyond caudex to art, fashion and pottery. From international to domestic, BOTANIZE has been collaborated with Vans, Champion, Danner, Medicom Toy/BE@BRICK, BEAMS, 1LDK and local potters & artists in the past.



Presenting in black and white colorways throughout the legendary 1986's TIMEX Ironman® 8-Lap watch, this limited edition features a BOTANIZE's iconic square logo around the lens.

And, this BOTANIZE x TIMEX watch comes in a BOTANIZE's signature EPA/PLA based pot which means it does not produce toxic gases when disposed of as combustible waste.  

今回のコラボレーションは「世界で最も売れたスポーツウォッチ」であるタイメックスの名作アイアンマン® 8ラップをベースに、ボタナイズを象徴するブラックとホワイトを取り入れ、スクエアロゴとボタナイズロゴをストラップに配しています。


パッケージにはボタナイズを代表する、土中に埋めることで一定の割合で分解される地球環境に配慮した「PLA POT」を使用。時計と同じブラック基調のポットにブランドロゴが入った特別なこのポット(非売品)は、もちろん実際に植物を入れ育てることができます。


This is not only for caudex fans because collecting something is a common occurrence in the watch and/or sneaker collecting world. 



Product Feature/主な機能:  100 meter water resistance/100m防水 | 8-Lap memory, Chronograph, Timer, Alarm, Calendar/8ラップメモリー 、ストップウォッチ、タイマー、アラーム、カレンダー | Indiglo® night-light/インディグロ®ナイトライト | 39mm width resin case/39mm幅、レジン製ケース&ストラップ


Notice (International): 

1. We ship internationally. Please read shipping policy for more details and allow us to ship around 5-10 working days. 

2. Outer box and a pot may have a minor stain or scratch due to nature of its product. Please understand that those cannot be a reason of/subject to return or exchange. 

3. This item is a limited edition thus not subject to applying a coupon. All sales are final.  



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